01 June 2010


Baby got a toy! Well, a few toys, including a lawnmower, and a machete for cutting through the jurassic weeds we were cultivating.



Kyle found a gem hiding behind the mostly dead tree and nettles! We'll replant it when we determine a better home for it. 

Concrete Counters Installed!

We had the counters installed just before Memorial Day weekend! The artist pulled out all the stops and had them in about 2 weeks before the original projection. They look fabulous, but you can't see the full kitchen until the sink, dishwasher and backsplash have been installed.

Martha Stewart Closet

So, immediately after we moved our bedroom furniture into the not yet complete bedroom, I decided that at the very least I needed to get the closet functioning as a closet. We researched the 8' ready made closet organizers, and quite liked the Martha Stewart kit that Home Depot sells. It was super easy to install, with the help of Kyle's impact driver.

It's amazing how fast I was able to fill what seemed like double the closet we had in our apartment.

Closet doors are last on my list, and so is organizing the clothes in the spirit of Martha...