29 April 2010

Family affair.

Help from the little brother brought us closer to a bedroom. For comparison's sake, here's the original room vs. the new master. it's going to be the most amazingly master bedroom ever when it's done. It'll only be missing a master bath. (that's on the docket for next year...)

Claire even looked fabulous dusty.


27 April 2010

A bathroom this house deserves.

I really like to personify the house, we've named her, and I feel like there are certain things she deserves in life. I mean, let's be honest, she's over 120 years old, which earns her some simple pleasures.

This bathroom will be one of such pleasures; for all parties involved.

This subway tiled shower surround took our contractor and his cousin an entire 8 hour day to tile! And I'm absolutely in love with the porcelain hex tile floor!!!

Bedroom build out.

Some action shots of the bedroom getting it's extreme makeover. 

(Nikki getting the nails out)

Because of structural issues, we decided to forgo the entirely vaulted ceiling, but the sides are still slightly vaulted, so drywalling seems to be a bit of a pain. These guys got through a really good amount of it though, and we're hoping to keep the momentum up this week while Kyle's on vacation from work!

Floors and Doors and Chores, oh my!

You are viewing the unfinished 4" oak flooring that we splurged on. It is currently getting sanded and stained and finished in a dark walnut stain. The dark wood flooring is really going to contrast nicely with the white kitchen.

Kyle and our contractor magically had the same idea to seal off the door into the office from the kitchen, and then open into the office from the living room. Then our contractor threw this french door in to bring the rooms together. We're going to paint that room a pop color to work against the neutral gray we're doing in the lr/dr. 

This is our master bedroom!!! Before drywall and a closet and a door... Kyle and our friend Nikki were weekend warriors and got through almost all of those items!

More to follow...

Kitchen teaser

Well... the house is still coming together. We're moving this weekend, but that's not to say that everything's necessarily ready for us. We're going to have to install a temporary counter made from plywood, because the counter takes 2 weeks upon ordering, and that hasn't even been ordered yet!

Here are some photos of the nightmare that is Ikea cabinets when they're delivered to your home in 117 separate pieces.

This sink is going to be a dream!

Partial progress... moved everything out of the way for the floors to be installed.

That grin is due to the giant power tool that you'll notice in the background. 

This is the last little kitchen teaser you'll get. The next picture of the kitchen that I post will be when it's DONE! (but don't hold your breath, because that's not going to be too soon...)

04 April 2010


We are currently working out the details of finishing the ceiling in our master bedroom in the vault. For obvious reasons we'll be leaving all of the necessary joists up. We're not trying to collapse our roof, but we really want to open the space up.

Those cobwebs are anywhere up to 100 years old.

Figuring out where to mount light fixtures, which walls will come down and where to put the closet is super fun, as long as we're not standing in the middle of the mess discussing it.

Don't worry, we wore proper protective gear today, I wasn't trying to invite all that yuck into my lungs and eyes.

03 April 2010

Demo-Rest, repeat.

That's what we did today.

We're removing the paneling walls in the bedroom. We'll replace the paneling with drywall, and we're taking the opportunity to remove some walls entirely.

All or most of that wall will go, we're still working on the floor plan. This is going to be one seriously master bedroom.

With demo in our name,  you know we really get into it.

We also found a creep cave... I'm not really sure what that contraption inside is, or why they sealed it in there. 

We're going to demo some more tomorrow, and drywall next weekend. We're really in the home stretch here with our contractor too. He's going to install the tile in the bathroom this week, and the hardwood floors next weekend. Then come the kitchen cabinets and fixtures and bathroom fixtures.

It's time to make a list of all the little things we're forgetting...