03 April 2010

Demo-Rest, repeat.

That's what we did today.

We're removing the paneling walls in the bedroom. We'll replace the paneling with drywall, and we're taking the opportunity to remove some walls entirely.

All or most of that wall will go, we're still working on the floor plan. This is going to be one seriously master bedroom.

With demo in our name,  you know we really get into it.

We also found a creep cave... I'm not really sure what that contraption inside is, or why they sealed it in there. 

We're going to demo some more tomorrow, and drywall next weekend. We're really in the home stretch here with our contractor too. He's going to install the tile in the bathroom this week, and the hardwood floors next weekend. Then come the kitchen cabinets and fixtures and bathroom fixtures.

It's time to make a list of all the little things we're forgetting...

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